Luxury Gift Bouquet features pink garden roses and a mix of designer’s pick
Color tone : Different shade of pink & Ivory
Major flowers: Pink Garden Roses, Roses, Freesia., and a mix of designer’s pick
Size: Approx: 40 cm Width
** Fresh flower bouquet is handcraft seasonal product that may looks different from pic
由設計師精心挑選最時令的花材 ,配以時尚包裝!
主色調: 深淺粉紅色
主花材:庭園玫瑰, 玫瑰, 鉸剪蘭 及 精選時令花材
尺寸: 大約 40 cm 闊
Pink Garden Rose Freestyle Gift Bouquet 深粉紅色花束
Please allow at least 3 days in advance for best quality. For next day / same day deliveries, you may WhatsApp 9666-9752 to arrange.
為確保最佳品質,請預留 3 個工作天或以上訂購。急單可直接 whatsapp 9666-9752 安排。